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dismo (version 1.3-16)

Anguilla data: Anguilla australis distribution data


A number of sites with presence or absence of the short-finned eel (Anguilla australis) in New Zealand, and environmental data at these sites; and gridded data of the environmental variables for the study area.

typevariable namevaluesmean and range
ReachLocSedweighted average of proportional cover of bed sediment1=mud, 2=sand, 3=fine gravel; 4=coarse gravel; 5=cobble; 6=boulder; 7=bedrock; 3.77, 1 to 7
SegmentSegSumTSummer air temperature (degrees C)16.3, 8.9 to 19.8
SegTSeasWinter air temperature (degrees C), normalised with respect to SegJanT0.36, -4.2 to 4.1
SegLowFlowsegment low flow (m3/sec), fourth root transformed1.092, 1.0 to 4.09
DownstreamDSDistdistance to coast (km)74, 0.03 to 433.4
DSDampresence of known downstream obstructions, mostly dams0.18, 0 or 1
DSMaxSlopemaximum downstream slope (degrees)3.1, 0 to 29.7
Upstream / catchmentUSAvgTaverage temperature in catchment (deg C) compared to segment, normalised with respect to SegJanT-0.38, -7.7 to 2.2
USRainDaysdays/month with rain greater than 25 mm1.22, 0.21 to 3.30
USSlopeaverage slope in the upstream catchment (degrees)14.3, 0 to 41.0
USNativearea with indigenous forest (proportion)0.57, 0 to 1
Fishing methodfishing method in five classes: electric, net, spot, trap & mixtureNA





John R. Leathwick and Jane Elith


Elith, J., J.R. Leathwick and T. Hastie, 2009. A working guide to boosted regression trees. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 802-81